David Morris is a doctoral student at the University of Oregon’s School of Journalism and Communication. His research is at the intersection of visual communication, science communication and technology. With six peer-reviewed journal publications and twenty presented conference papers, his research agenda is well developed. More specifically, David’s research explores the relationship between psychographics and climate change imagery using psychophysiological measurements, which is the focus of his dissertation. Originally from Ohio, David worked in the information technology field for a decade before pursuing graduate school and a career in academia. This background in information technology, as well as a passion for media, motivates his research through the use of new technological tools used in research and in the classroom. It has also resulted in David’s development of new software tools for data collection. David has an undergraduate degree in visual communication from Wright State University and a master’s degree in journalism from the University of Memphis. After completing his M.A. and earning such accolades as graduate student of year and presenting award winning research at the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication annual conference, David stayed on as a visiting instructor, teaching a four-course load, until he started his Ph.D. program in Media Studies as Graduate Teaching Fellow at the University of Oregon in the fall of 2015. David has completed his course work at the University of Oregon and is scheduled to defend both his comprehensive exams and dissertation proposal at the end of summer 2017. While at the University of Oregon, David has furthered his academic record through the production of more award-winning scholarship, course work, and teaching. Upon the completion of his doctoral degree in Spring 2018, David hopes to secure a position as an assistant professor where he will remain both a prolific scholar and a dedicated teacher to his new home university.